To accompany you.

Our certified coaches

After 5 years of experience as a PE teacher, I switched to personal training. With now more than 15 years of experience in this field at my belt, in addition to several certifications and many specifications, I have understood that the most valuable knowledge comes from my clients... from you! You are “first and foremost” because everyone is unique and they have their own objectives and needs. There is no magic formula and it is only through a 100% individual approach that one can make optimal progress, get out of one's comfort zone and hope to achieve one’s goals! I founded the "My trainer and me” fitness studio with the aim of helping everyone to find their own path to success, both physically and personally. Passionate about physical activity, rehabilitation, health and well-being since the beginning, my work has always been a passion, a passion to help others. Holder of a Master’s STAPS (science et technique des activités sportives) degree, a diploma in professional physical preparation (EBOAS Kinesport), a Pilates diploma from the Pilates Institute London, a diploma in nutrition and micro-nutrition and a personal trainer diploma (NASM), I have had the chance to meet and work with the best specialists (D Riché, F Brigaud, P Dorochenko, JP Egger...) and thus explore sports preparation, biomechanical and postural correction, nutrition and the hormonal system, the physiology of stress and the mechanisms of personal motivation. I am also a trainer for the physical coaching academy, Leaderfit and SCC training in Paris. I have also worked with top athletes in football, handball and golf.
#fitness #healthy #sport
Contact StephaneThomas
Passionate and attentive to your needs, I will be happy to assist you on a daily basis. Contact me
#fitness #healthy #sport
Contact Thomas

Passionate about sport from a young age, I have always liked to move, swim, dance, and go on multiple hikes in my country of origin (the Dominican Republic). And at a very young age, I started playing baseball until I reached a professional level. As a personal trainer, I consider knowledge of the human body and the methods of well-being associated with it, as well as the basics of a healthy diet, to be of paramount importance. Whatever your age, your level or your physical condition, I am committed to accompanying you towards your goal and to making your coaching a unique moment of conviviality and sport. In addition to physical and athletic activity, sport allows you to free yourself from stress and daily worries by first strengthening your mind. As a trained and qualified coach, I lead people to build self-confidence and to regain control of their body and mind.
#fitness #healthy #sport
Contact RodolfoOlivia
Dynamic, smiling and positive, I like sports, human contact and teamwork. I am lucky to be able to share my passion as a coach at My Trainer and Me! Kinesthetics, movement and physical activity are essential to my personal balance. From a very young age I have always loved to move. As a child, I learned my lessons by walking and spent my days running outside barefoot. I practised and still practise many sports such as gymnastics, swimming, horse riding, Nordic walking. Today, besides my work as a personal trainer, I also regularly give group classes in spinning, aquabike, strength training and Pilates in a fitness centre. Privately, I love road cycling and yoga. I have followed and continue to follow numerous training courses in the vast field of sports, fitness, well-being and nutrition. The next step in my personal development: a 200-hour yoga training course.
#fitness #healthy #sport
Contact Olivia